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Programming for children (9 — 11 years old)

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for the course from BYN 184
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8 person

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from 9 yrs

Обычно в группе

5 person

Information about a program
IT school at the educational center “Leader” in Minsk invites children of 9-11 years old to programming courses. During the exciting training, the cadets will learn the language of visual programming - Scratch and use it to create games and cartoons. And this in turn contributes to self-expression and creative manifestation of oneself. After completing the courses at the School of IT, the child will form a general understanding of programming, which ...
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About school
The Educational Center “Leader” in Minsk invites you to study at the School of IT. More than 15 courses of training of IT-specialists in professions that are widely demanded in the labor market in Belarus are open for you. The training programs are aimed at students with different levels of training: from beginners to professionals. It is also possible to undergo advanced training in IT-specialties of various fields of activity: 1C: Enterprise, Internet ...
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Studying program

Duration of training — 5 weeks (60 academic hours). Time of classes - morning, day, evening (student's choice). Course program: Topic 1. Getting started, the interface of the program Scratch. Topic 2. Sprite, coordinates, motion. Topic 3. Sound. Topic 4. We create a complex movement. Topic 5. Repeat operations, cycles. Topic 6. Animation. Topic 7. Displays messages. Topic 8. Events. Topic 9. Operators. Topic 10. Change the color. Topic 11. User interaction. ...

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SchoolIT School at the educational center “Leader” in Minsk on the street. Smolyachkova, 9

IT School at the educational center “Leader” in Minsk on the street. Smolyachkova, 9

улица Смолячкова 9, Минск, Беларусь
Starting dates

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Start date
Days and time

By enrolment

Check the exact date and time of the start of classes with the manager

5 weeks

12 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)


Quick confirmation
Confirmation of programs marked with this sign comes faster than the rest.
BYN 184
7 point = BYN 14.84

For this reservation you will receive 7 points.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

By enrolment

Individual training according to a convenient schedule for you

3 weeks

12 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)


Quick confirmation
Confirmation of programs marked with this sign comes faster than the rest.
BYN 460
16 point = BYN 33.92

For this reservation you will receive 16 points.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

By enrolment

Мини-группа 2-4 человека. Длительность курса 30 ак.ч. График занятий устанавливается по мере набора мини-группы.

3 weeks

10 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)


Quick confirmation
Confirmation of programs marked with this sign comes faster than the rest.
BYN 184
7 point = BYN 14.84

For this reservation you will receive 7 points.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

Cost calculation

BYN 184

Programming for children (9 — 11 years old)

By enrolment

5 weeks 12 hours a week

Number of students

Total cost

BYN 184

Total for payment

BYN 184

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Prices up to 40% lower than directly in schools