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Moscow ( programs)

Course start date

Basic course “Photography”

To book
for the course from BYN 163.82

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By enrolment

В группе до

15 person

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from 12 yrs

Обычно в группе

10 person

Information about a program
The basic course “Photography” is aimed at those who are just beginning their professional career as a photographer, or simply want to learn how to photograph well. Getting knowledge and experience in this course you: - learn how to work with any modern camera (settings, modes, solving any technical problems, etc.); - learn how to build competently composition in the frame; — you will be able to create unique photos that convey the beauty of the ...
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About school
The Higher School of Photography is a team of professionals of international level. Each member of the team is sure that anyone can succeed in photography! Therefore, the school is always happy to aspiring photographers and professionals who aspire to the heights of their skill. Regardless of the level of training, the school offers courses in the following areas: — basic course for beginners and second stage for those who continue to study photography; ...
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Studying program

Topics to study: 1. The objectives of the photographer. Camera device. Sensitivity. 2. Camera modes. Shutter speed settings, aperture, sensitivity. 3. Shoot moving objects. Background blur (depth of field). 4. Lens properties and parameters. Manual and automatic focus. 5. Special lenses. Manual and automatic lenses. 6. Dynamic range of the camera. What you need different lenses. 7. White balance, image styles, RAW format. Duration of the course — ...

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SchoolHigher School of Photography (Art. m. Paveletskaya)

Higher School of Photography (Art. m. Paveletskaya)

ул. Щипок, 28, Москва, Россия, 115054
Starting dates

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Start date
Days and time

By enrolment

Working day group, morning format. Check the start date of the training with the manager

5 weeks

16 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)

mon., wed., fri.

BYN 1 566.5
41 point = BYN 86.92

For this reservation you will receive 41 point.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

By enrolment

Weekend group. Check the start date of the training with the manager

7 weeks

8 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)


BYN 1 566.5
41 point = BYN 86.92

For this reservation you will receive 41 point.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

By enrolment

Группа выходного дня. Дату начала обучения уточняйте у менеджера

5 weeks

12 ак. ч in a week

(1 ак. ч = 45 min)

mon., wed., fri.

BYN 1 566.5
41 point = BYN 86.92

For this reservation you will receive 41 point.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes

Cost calculation

BYN 1 566.5

Basic course “Photography”

By enrolment

5 weeks 16 hours a week

Number of students

Total cost

BYN 1 566.5

Total for payment

BYN 1 566.5

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