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Cannes ( programs)

Course start date

Long Term English Course

To book
price per week from BYN 816.26
Quick confirmation
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Ближайшая дата

June 3

В группе до

15 person

Language of study



from 18 yrs

Обычно в группе

5 person


language level: from beginner to advanced

Information about a program
The long-term English course at the Riviera French Institute is suitable for all and is aimed at improving the level of the language. You will gain a practical understanding of the language and learn how to use it in different situations. In interactive classes with highly qualified teachers, you will develop understanding of grammar, increase the vocabulary of the language, master the correct pronunciation and develop all four skills everyday communication: ...
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About school
Riviera French Institute is located in Cannes, the capital of cinema, the city of luxury and stars. She specializes in teaching English and French to foreign students. It offers a wide range of courses for students with different levels of language proficiency, from elementary to advanced. All teachers are native speakers with many years of experience in working with foreigners. Moreover, the center offers a wide range of children's camps during ...
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Studying program

— Start of the course: all year round — Duration: from 3 weeks or more — 20 lessons per week

SchoolRiviera French Institute

Riviera French Institute

15 Boulevard d'Alsace, 06400 Cannes, Франция
Starting dates

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Courses start by Mon

Days and time

20 hours in a week

can join


Quick confirmation
Confirmation of programs marked with this sign comes faster than the rest.
BYN 816.26
18 point = BYN 38.16

For this reservation you will receive 18 points.

You can pay up to 50% of your next booking using bonus points. In detailes


No need for accommodation


To school by transport:


Check-out day:

shared bathroom and kitchen
there are no places on selected dates
Additional services

Individual sessions

BYN 255.28

Cost calculation

BYN 816.26

Long Term English Course

June 3June 7

1 a week 20 hours a week

Number of students

Total cost

BYN 816.26

Total for payment

BYN 816.26

While you don't pay for anything

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Prices up to 40% lower than directly in schools